Over 1/3 of Humanity Has Never Heard the Name of Jesus
God’s heart is for the nations. He has redeemed a people for himself from every tribe and people group on the earth. Yet more than 42% of the world’s population live in closed countries with little to no gospel witness—and for every 30 missionaries that go to the reached, roughly one missionary goes to the unreached. We believe that God is calling a generation of missionaries to take the gospel to these hard-to-reach people groups.
The People Groups
A people group is designated “unreached” when less than 2% of the population is evangelical Christian.
Click on the people groups below for more information.
Caribbean Melting Pot
Population: 1.4 Million
% of Believers: Less than 2% (estimated by ABWE)
Dominant: Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam
About: The Caribbean consists of more than 700 islands, islets, reefs, and cays. It is a melting pot of cultures. While Christianity is the predominant religion, pockets of unreached people groups are located throughout the Caribbean Basin. Large numbers of Hindus and Muslims live in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Suriname.

Syrian Refugees
Population: 13.5 Million
% of Believers: Less than 0.2%
Dominant Religion: Islam
About: Now in its 12th year, the Syrian Refugee Crisis remains the world’s largest refugee and displacement crisis. Today there are approximately 6.8 million Syrian refugees and asylum-seekers scattered throughout Europe and the Middle East with another 6.7 million people displaced within Syria itself.
The Fulani
Population: 38 million
% of Believers: Less than 1%
Dominant Religion: Islam
About: The Fulani people are spread across 19 Central and West African countries. With over 38 million people belonging to the Fulani, they are the world’s largest nomadic people group. Almost 100% of the population follows Islam.

South Asians
Population: 225 Million
% of Believers: Less than 1%
Dominant Religion: Islam
About: South Asians live in a land of great beauty and history. Their culture is complex and diverse because many different cultures have blended into one unique and modern way of life. However, danger exists for any that would call themselves Christian. The region has over 800 unreached people groups with 98% of the population practicing Islam.
Southeast Asians
Population: Greater than 10 million
% of Believers: Less than 0.1%
Dominant Religion: Islam
About: This people group resides in one of the most challenging, dynamic, and rewarding locations in missions. The region is home to islands and islets abounding in tropical beauty as well as bustling metropolises. Individuals within this region are deeply bound by both orthodox and folk Islamic beliefs.

Japanese in Tokyo
Population: 37 million
% of Believers: Less than 1%
Dominant Religions: Shinto, atheism and Buddhism
About: The Japanese people of the greater Tokyo area have a unique set of beliefs that blend ancient traditions and newer Western practices. While Shinto and Buddhism are widely practiced, they are not widely believed. Suicide is rife, and the roots of honor/shame culture go deep. Japan is the largest unreached nation that is still completely open to missionaries.

If God’s Calling You to Go, We’ll Help You Get There.
We can help you reach an unreached people group. For nearly 100 years, our goal has always been the same: to help churches send individuals to the hardest places so they can reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus.
As an ABWE missionary, you have access to:
- An experienced partner currently reaching over 80 countries in the world today.
- Individualized training in culture, language learning and Bible
- Collaboration with a robust mission team
- Member care and support on the field
It takes a team to begin opening a closed country. Let us help you explore the next step.
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